Thursday, July 10, 2008

Time Flies...

This summer seems to be flying by. We have been busy , it seems like everyday. We play in the pool a couple of times a week, we have playdates, we run errands, we clean, and we do absolutely nothing. It has been great. Our 4th of July really wasn't that great. Greg had to work all weekend long so I was with the kids all weekend and we just hung out. We spent the night at Grandma and Grandpas and then we had a family bbq right after for Max's (our nephew) 2nd bday. That was a lot of fun. Caden and Lola love to play with their cousins. Too bad he only has 1 in Seattle. We are excited to go up soon.

Hope everyone is having a fun summer. I just wanted to let people know that we are alive and doing well.

Congrats to Kevin and Shannon. They had a baby girl, Hailey. She is so cute and so small. They grow up so fast. I forgot how small they are and how much they sleep.

Congrats to Steve and Holly. Their new addition is Sophee. We are terrible and still haven't seen them and it has been two months.

Congrats to those that have had summer babies and expecting them soon. Congrats to those that are getting married as well. 2008 is the year! Don't expect anything like that from us.


Robb and Cindy said...

Hey Greg and Mala. It's good to hear what you are up to. We (meaning me, Robb and Andy) are planning a road trip for next year. We'll let you know all about the details later. Wish we could see you more often.

Delee said...

Summer is crazy! I'm sorry Greg had to work. Steve worked almost every holiday when we lived there, but, you've got to love the Holiday pay!
I love your new background.

Di said...

You aren't having any more kids?! But why? I though you wanted at least 4 more. )wink(