We had a great Halloween. We got our costumes on in the morning and then we headed over to Greg's work for lunch. We brought monster toes which are pigs in a blanket with mustard for the toe nails. They were a great hit. Greg came home a little early from work and we had Pizza Hut for dinner and is was off to trick-or-treating. We went around half our neighborhood and back. A lot of people weren't home just because they were going at the same time. Greg dressed up as a wizard and I was a witch. I should've gotten Dozer a costume. Lola walked a little bit, but she was a little slower than the rest of the kids so Greg ended up holder her most of the time. Caden was so excited and he had to come to me after every house and show me his candy. It was so cute! Lola even got to say her " Tee too tee!" and she always said her thank you after people closed the door. We got home around 7pm and we left our bucket of candy on the doorstep so we wouldn't get bugged. I let the kids whatever candy they wanted and then it was off to bath and bed time. The kids were in bed by 8. No one came to our door and all the candy was gone. While the kids were in the bath I went through their candy and sorted it out. I just put whatever I didn't want to keep in the bucket outside and that was all gone too. We probably just have a ziploc full of candy. Ladies and gents, let me introduce to you Buzz Lightyear and our Angelic Fairy!

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