Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just catching up!

Cheesecake Factory with some friends! Great food...Great company!

Jazz game with Brad and Cara. They were surprised such noise could come out of such a small person! Boy, they were in for a treat!

Moab 10K Sun Run! Greg and I left at 5am the morning of the race! We made it, it was FREEZING! Do you see the time on the clock when he finished? 10K=6.2 miles He did so great, he placed and got a medal!

Playing (and eating) Snow! We haven't had too much snow this winter, but we sure have tried to take advantage of it as much as we can. We went sledding, but we forgot the camera.

Christmas morning with matching jammies! Each year Christmas just gets better and better!


cara said...

Cute Mala!

Di said...

Hey Mala I love the pics. You didn't tell me Greg was getting scruffy. Tell him I like it but you know that already. I guess sometime we will get to talk together.