Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just catching up!

Cheesecake Factory with some friends! Great food...Great company!

Jazz game with Brad and Cara. They were surprised such noise could come out of such a small person! Boy, they were in for a treat!

Moab 10K Sun Run! Greg and I left at 5am the morning of the race! We made it, it was FREEZING! Do you see the time on the clock when he finished? 10K=6.2 miles He did so great, he placed and got a medal!

Playing (and eating) Snow! We haven't had too much snow this winter, but we sure have tried to take advantage of it as much as we can. We went sledding, but we forgot the camera.

Christmas morning with matching jammies! Each year Christmas just gets better and better!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Crazy times!

On friday, our morning started with soggy carpets, due to our water heater leaking everywhere. After having someone come and look at in the morning, I got a quote of over $1000 to get a new one and installed...NO THANKS! Greg and I decided to go look for a new water heater and either install it ourselves or find someone, through connection do it for for a much smaller fee. Greg took some leave from work for us to go shopping and on his way home, someone decided to run a stop light and run right into Greg's car. The car wasn't drivable and my husband was stranded. He was dealing with the accident, the insurance (that's always fun), and his crazy wife who is calling every few minutes to make sure he was ok. I was on the phone nonstop with the home insurance, finding someone to install the water heater, and concerned friends. Overall, Greg is doing fine and the house seems to be fine, but we are still dealing with insurances.

Friday seemed crazier than my own wedding day, but of course I didn't have two munchkins all over the place.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Christmas Break

I know it is so late, but I just entered back into the blogging world remember. So I will post a little here and there of our Christmas. My roommate Becca came to visit her family for a week and I am lucky to live in the same city as her family. Usually it is just her that visits, but this time her hubby, Jared came along too. We planned a double date with all-you-can-eat sushi and bowling. We ate too much sushi and attempted bowling with a full stomach. I haven't been bowling since before I had Caden. I didn't do so good, but I did get a strike. Jared wanted to impress us with his mad skills because he was in a league. He will soon have his picture hanging on the Wall at Miracle Bowl. It was so much fun. We wish you guys lived closer, but it sure is nice to see you when you visit. We need to make a trip to Texas!

Monday, January 18, 2010


I am trying to be better at blogging. It has been forever, so hopefully no one deleted us. Just a little update with our family...

Greg has been busy with work, biking and running to work. This year he is training for a marathon and a half-ironman. We have been going to races from Logan to St. George with distances of a 5k to 10k to sprint triatholons. This coming up year we have already planned races that we are planning, starting in March with a 25k and ending the year in November with a half-ironman in Nevada. We love supporting him through his goals and cheering him on the sidelines. The best part....IHOP after the races!

Me, well the kids definitely keep me busy everyday with playdates, library trips, and lots of games of hide-and-go-seek. This year I am trying to organize pictures from the past years, read as many books as possible, get the most fit I have ever been, and trying new things. Greg and I just signed up for our first ballroom dance class, which starts next week, and I am looking for a cooking class I can take. We have been taking advantage of the babysitters we know and go on more dates now than I can remember.

Caden is in his second year of preschool. He is growing up so much and I am enjoying this stage, even though I have to put up with his tantrums that I feel like a 4 year should not be making. He is a wonderful helper and does so much for himself now. He has a wild and giant imagination and loves to play pretend and draw. He has been a blast to play boardgames with. It is amazing how fast they grow and I can't believe he will be going to kindergarten next year.

Lola is full of life! She makes us laugh whether it is how silly she or her crazy attitude. Her vocabulary is growing every day and it amazes me how much of a conversation I can have with her. She loves to play dress-up and play with dolls. She loves anything to do with horses and kittens. She is a wonderful dancer and asks to have a makeover with mommy's makeup every morning. She isn't all girly though. She does love swordfights and monsters. She will be going to her first year of preschool this fall and now crazy to believe.

We have been doing great and 2010 is going to be a wonderful year!