Dozer is 8 weights so in dog years he is like 2 or so. So what would you do if a child were 2 right now? I am house training, crate training, and bite training Dozer at the same time. So for a toddler, it would potty-training, trying to get him into a bed instead of a crib, and to teach him not to fight ALL at the same time. Plus I have a 3 and a half year old and a 16 month old. How do you think I am doing? It is definitely crazy over here in the Brusik home. It has been better with all three, but my house could look better and I, for sure, could look better. I haven't gone to the gym for a couple of weeks, I am lucky to shower every other day, and grocery shopping is on the top of my list, but it seems like I can't get to that. It really feels like I had another baby, but at least I didn't gain 50 lbs like I did with my other babies. I know all this hard work is going to pay off. We are just getting used to our new member of the family and we just have had to get used to a new schedule. I just got to get back into the swing of things, but before that happens, I am in desperate need of a break. Tonight will be a good one. Going out to dinner and watch HSM3 (High School Musical 3) with Rach.
This week is a crazy one and with my kids older, it is so much fun filled with parties. I am so glad we have so much dress-up stuff for Caden so he can be different things. Today we went to party and Caden decided to be Superman. So did like 5 other boys. They made pictures, painted pumpkins, and had cookies and witch's brew. Lola had a blast with the blown up balloons. This year Lola is a fairy/princess/angel/butterfly. Whatever you want to call her. She has a dress with wings. I love that the kids can actually say trick or treat this year and aren't afraid to get candy. Lola just sounds like " ti de tee" but we know what she trying to say. We'll keep you posted with our Halloween Fun! Hope you guys have a good Halloween week and and fun Halloween night! A few pictures of my babies.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Life... so far
Written by Bright Beginnings at 1:33 PM 1 comments
Puppy vs Baby
People tend to compare children and dogs. Not that it is a bad thing because they are both cuddly, small, and just so cute. Having Dozer has made me realize the similarities and differences so now I know what I am talking about when the subject comes up in conversations.
Team Baby
1. They wear diapers when they go potty.
2. They don't have teeth when they are born.
3. They can help you around the house when they get older.
4. You have a good 9 months or so to prepare for a baby.
5. A lot more variety of clothes and outfits for babies.
Team Dog/Puppy
1. They don't back talk.
2. They sleep a good amount of the day, even when they get older.
3. They will come when called and if needed, you have a leash.
4. You don't have to feed them, their food is on the floor in their bowls.
5. They can be left at your house, unsupervised.
They are both definitely hard work and so much fun. It just depends on your preference. There is so much more about babies and dogs, but those were just a few of my thoughts. Hope that helps anyone who is deciding. If not, you don't ever know unless you do it.
Written by Bright Beginnings at 1:22 PM 0 comments
So here are our pumpkins form last year. We used print outs to make it look good, but from cleaning them, cutting and smoothing out the edges from the cutting, it took hours. This year we took a different aproach.
I found these pieces at Wal-mart. They are like Mr. Potato Heads, but for pumpkins. The kids had a blast doing these and it took minutes instead of hours. Caden got really creative and thought they looked so funny when he was done. Lola picked a bunch of things and put in on one face, so it looks like monster. We even managed to make a dog pumpkin. They are reusuable and we don't have to worry too much one a mold problem like we did last year.
Written by Bright Beginnings at 1:14 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tag, I'm It!
All about Threes
3 Joys:
1. Chips and dip.
2. Nap time.
3. Smell of clean laundry.
1. Pointy things coming towards me, specifically my eyes.
2. What kind of world my kids are growing up in.
3. Spiders.
3 Goals:
1. Fold all my laundry AND put it away.
2. Try not to go out to eat as much.
3. Read at least 2 books a month.
3 Obsessions:
1. Making sure Dozer goes potty OUTSIDE.
2. Paying my bills on time.
3. Getting my kids to put their toys in their designated bucket.

3 Surprising Facts:
1. I would like to open up my own business, but I don't know what exactly.
2. I don't know how to ice skate or rollerblade.
3. I love Root Beer Floats!

Written by Bright Beginnings at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Introducing Dozer
We got a puppy! Dozer is mostly a black lab with a little border collie, which explaines the white, and is 6 weeks old. He is all black except the white one his chest, paws, and the very tip of his tail. We picked him up yesterday. We have been thinking about getting one for a while and we finally did it. The kids love playing with him and he sleeps most of the day. I just fell in love with him the first time I saw him. I have always wanted a black lab and Greg has wanted a Rottweiler. We agreed on the lab first, then the rottweiler later. It was so hard to pick out a name. In this whole process, I realized Greg and I have such different taste. I got to choose the puppy because I am with him most of the day and Greg got to choose the name that I could stand. Dozer won. Can be short for Buldozer and he always dozes off. So we are getting used to our new member of the family and all his puppy needs. Isn't he cute?He is a little dirty in the picture, but a bath was the first thing we gave him when he came to his new home.
Written by Bright Beginnings at 11:59 AM 5 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
He is not a baby anymore...
So Caden has grown up. He will always be MY baby, but he can't stand it that I call him that. A few of reasons why he isn't a baby anymore.
1. Today, he didn't need me to walk him into his school. He wanted to do it himself. I let him out of the car and he had to make sure I didn't move from the car. He kept on telling me to stay and finally he ran off and said bye...tear.
2. He now goes potty standing up. He figured that out on his own and prefers it that way compared to sitting down.. We have had only a couple of minor accidents, but in general, he has pretty good aim.
3. Instead of me telling him stories, he tells me the stories and reads me the books before going to bed. He is so creative and imaginative.
4. He picks out his outfits and dresses himself (with shoes) pretty much everyday. He freaks out when I pick out his clothes for him. He does like to wear the same clothes over again, but those are his favorites. When we got shopping, he actually has an opinion on what he wants to buy. It sometimes drives me crazy because he will pass up a really cute outfit. He rarely matches and I just try to ignore it (as much as I want to change his clothes).
5. He get his own snacks for himself from the pantry and in the refrigerator. I love it when he gets snacks for me and Lola too. Apple for Caden, carrots for mom, and string cheese for Lola :) As long as I provide him with a cup or bowl, he does the rest. I love it!
My Caden is growing up and he is just going to get bigger. I wish I could rely on Lola being my baby, but it seems like she is growing up as fast as her big brother.
Written by Bright Beginnings at 12:15 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Pumpkin Patch
Every year, well since Caden could walk, we have always gone to a pumpkin patch. Last we went twice and this year we will probably go at least twice. There is a fun one that we go to that is south of us. I went with my mom's group yesterday and it was a great and sunny day. We were able to go on a hay ride, which last year there was hay and this year, they made a bench to sit on. So the hay ride went through the orchards and stopped at the pumpkin patch. The kids had a blast looking for their own pumpkins. The rule is, if you can carry it by yourself, you can bring it home. Maybe I ruin it for my kids because they don't get a big pumpkin, but you aren't the ones carrying the pumpkins my kids choose. At pumpkin patches, that is the rule, but when Greg comes with us, we get the big ones. He's the one with the muscles :) So the kids grabbed mini ones. We got donuts, a coloring book, and had ice cream. It was about 85 degrees so it was a wonderful day to pick pumpkins.
Written by Bright Beginnings at 12:09 PM 3 comments