All about Threes
3 Joys:
1. Chips and dip.
2. Nap time.
3. Smell of clean laundry.
1. Pointy things coming towards me, specifically my eyes.
2. What kind of world my kids are growing up in.
3. Spiders.
3 Goals:
1. Fold all my laundry AND put it away.
2. Try not to go out to eat as much.
3. Read at least 2 books a month.
3 Obsessions:
1. Making sure Dozer goes potty OUTSIDE.
2. Paying my bills on time.
3. Getting my kids to put their toys in their designated bucket.

3 Surprising Facts:
1. I would like to open up my own business, but I don't know what exactly.
2. I don't know how to ice skate or rollerblade.
3. I love Root Beer Floats!

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