Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tag I'm It!
The tag is simple. 6 random things about me. Here it goes.
1. I can rewatch anything, still enjoy it for the umptheenth time, and I do it often. So Greg asks me why and how I watch a certain episode of Law and Order, Sex and the City, whatever show over and over again. I don't know. I mean how many times have you watched an episode of Friends and you still laugh, and probably hard than the first time you watched just because you know what is going to happen. I love it. I find something new that is funny or just entertaining. I can't do it as much with movies, but I do it a lot with tv shows.
2.This sort of relates to the first one. I cannot turn off the tv when I turn it on. I put the kids down, the house is clean ( or not) and I want to take a break, I sit down and turn on the tube. I cannot, for the life of me, stop watching unless someone physically turns it off for me. That's why I end up rewatching episodes of a show. I mean, is it the tv or is it that I just don't want to get off the couch?
3. I can pretty much eat anything. I mean I grew up with a house that probably smells weird to most of you and I miss that smell. I have eaten things from pig ears to frog legs and I like it. Usually salty foods are my weakness compared to sweets.
4. I love typing on the computer. When Greg was in school, I had him write his papers down at work and I would type them up for him when he got him. I like doing it, it gave me a break, and Greg didn't use the correct fingers, which drove me crazy. I am faster than him so it worked out.
5. I love writing things down and making lists.
6. I try to be organized with everything and my thoughts, but when it comes down to it, if I am looking for something, I usually put something in a few different places and change the category and location of where it is. So sometimes when I look for a paper, I have to look at a couple of places to finally find it. Sorry Greg.
A few random things. It seemed hard in the beginning, but them once I started, I could think of more random stuff. I am not going to tag anyone in particular so if you wanna do it, go for it. I would love to read some random things about you.
Written by Bright Beginnings at 12:06 PM 1 comments
Two Breaks
My husband spoils me sometimes, well a lot of the time. Greg does so much for me and he is just great at letting me have a break when I need it and want it. This week is just an good example of how great he is. On Tuesday, I got to go to dinner with my friend Rach and we went out shopping so I was out until 10pm. It was a blast! Then last night, I got to go out again.
I don't know if you know this about me, but I have been going to a Mom's "club" for the past year. I needed to expand my horizons and meet moms around here. You just don't realize how many other mothers are trying to do the same and how hard it is to make some friends. I saw that there was a mom's group in my area and I decided on going. It has been a year so far and it has been a great. It started to be a large group with random people coming to outings, but now there is a good 7 of us that come to hang out regularly. We go to parks, go to someone's house, go somewhere and just let the kids play while us moms hang out. Every month, we try, we leave our husbands and either go to a movie, go to dinner, or have a game night. Last night was a dinner night and we went to PF Changs. Of course I had some lettuce wraps. You can't go there without getting those. I also got the lo mein and all six of us shared the Great Wall of Chocolate. Just a wonderful night, with good food and even better company. I had a great time and it has been so great to have something to look forward to each week. It is nice to have support system and it is unbelievable that none of us knew anybody and we came together to look for the same thing. The moms in the group are so much fun and my kids have a blast. Here is a picture of some of the group during the summer.
Written by Bright Beginnings at 11:48 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Stuck in the house
So the past week and a half, Lola has been really sick. We came back from Denver and she had a fever and a huge fever blister on her bottom lip. I gave it a few days to make sure she was sick longer than a day or so. I hate calling going to the doctors and they just tell me that I can't do anything for them, except give them tylenol. What a waste of money! So I usually wait until after the weekend and it seemed like Lola was getting worse and she wasn't eating anything, which is really unusual for her. I googled her symptoms, which I usually do with my kids when they are sick, and I had suspected what she had. Sure enough, it was confirmed by the doctor. Simple terms, she had herpes. The doc said it was common at her age because they like to get into everything and use their hands for everything and just put them in her mouth. I make Caden wash his hands all day, but I forget about Lola. The doctor also said he saw two cases the day before our appointment so it was going around. The first time a child gets it is the worse. Her mouth was sore and bright read and had sores all around. Her throat was covered with sores and was worse than having strep. If we were lucky, it would last a week, but it usually lasts for two. Poor girl! The doc also said that most of us have the herpes virus inside of us, but we don't all break out in cold sores. Be careful out there, especially those with little ones. I don't even know where she got it. Caden has never had a cold sore, but that doesn't mean he didn't give it to her. Who knows? So we have been staying at home all week and she has had a diet full of ice cream, yogurt, pudding, pretty much anything cold and smooth. Doc said, the fattier the better. Just make her eat. So both kids, yes Caden too, had that the past week.
Well, it is nice to have our little girl back. She talks, giggles, and now plays by herself. It is nice to have Lola back. Of course she still screams at us, but it's not all day. Life is more enjoyable these days compared to the past week or so. I never thought something would happen to my Lola, but with more kids you get them out in public earlier and they get exposed by more. Keep them clean and safe. Hope none of you have to go through it.
Here are a few recent pictures of the kids.
Written by Bright Beginnings at 12:27 PM 3 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A little intimidating at first because you can burn up to 1000 calories/hour. In general, what is spinning. Spinning is a class offered through the community and gyms that have you ride on stationary bikes to lively music to get a cardio workout. I was scared at first, but one of my best friends, Stef, went with her husband one time and thought I would like it. Before we were going to yoga and pump classes so we needed a different scene. We went and we loved it. The class is 45 minutes, has awesome music that just pumps you up, our instructor Brian is so motivating, and it is completely dark. If you want a great cardio workout, go for it. Make sure you bring a water bottle and towel. Seriously, you need it. Hopefully your class doesn't start at 5:15am like ours does!
Written by Bright Beginnings at 10:03 AM 4 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Diggin' Denver
Greg had a work conference last week that was in Denver, Colorado. It was for a couple of days and we made arrangements for a little trip, just the two of us! Greg's wonderful parents were so kind to watch Caden and Lola for us. It was pretty much a two-day, two-night trip- the longest we have been away from the kids. We had a really good time, but it is great to be home.
We decided to fly instead of driving, which was the original plan. Greg had his work conference all day Thursday and half of Friday. He learned a lot, but it was really to network. I got to relax. I ordered room service, slept in, and got to read. I brought The Nanny Diaries, which I finished while we were there. It was a good, fast read. We had a networking dinner filled with good food, a magic show, and dancing. We shopped (which is one of our favorite things to do together) and before we knew it, it was time to head home. The time went by so fast.
The kids loved being with Grandma and Grandpa. Lola got sick on Thursday so I got really worried. She is still a little sick. She was the kind of sick that she was tired and just laid around a lot, instead of crying all day, so that was good for the grandparents. Of course, since we have been home, she cries a lot. Caden had a blast and on our way home and before going to bed he kept calling us Grandma and Grandpa. It was so funny.
I asked Caden if he had a fun time, he said, "Yes.I love Grandma and Grandpa." I asked Caden if he was a good boy. His response..."No, I was a bad boy." I asked him what he did. "I threw sand everywhere and I hit Lola in the face with my robot." I had to laugh, but I am sure glad he is so honest.
We are so happy it worked out, even though Lola got sick. I am so happy they were good. Now we are thinking of doing this more often. Hopefully the grandparents agree to it. It was a fun and successful trip to Denver. Denver is big and busy. We like it a lot. A potential place to move to.
Written by Bright Beginnings at 7:40 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Cute and Cheezy!
So I had to share this with you. I try to give Lola a snack before she goes down for her afternoon snack. Today, it happened to be string cheese. I gave it to her to distract her so I could change her diaper. I put on a little Sesame Street and I went to the bathroom. When I came back, I came back to this...
Written by Bright Beginnings at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Yearly Fun
We went to Hogle Zoo. We go once a year and it is usually during Labor Day weekend. Greg has been working a lot of weekends lately so we finally found a day that worked. I am sure glad we went. It wasn't too busy and it wasn't too hot. The kids loved it and we had so much fun. All the animals were out so we got to see all of them. We usually walk around and after a couple of hours, we just go to the animals we really want to see. The kids were great and we love the yearly zoo trip. Here are some highlights of our trip.

The carousel is a new addition. Caden loved it and had to be on the lion. He rode it twice.

Lola during Caden's carousel rides. She fell asleep right when we got there.

Written by Bright Beginnings at 1:41 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
First Day of School!
I had the Mommy moment today. My little boy isn't a little boy anymore. Caden had his first day of preschool today. He attends 2 days a week in the afternoons so Lola and I get some time together. I was so nervous for him. At the preschool's open house, he was shy and didn't want to play with the other kids other than Lola. So I got him dressed for the day this morning, went grocery shopping, and it was time to go. The morning flew by. He seemed excited, but I didn't know if he would understand that I wasn't going to be with him. He doesn't know any other kids so I was worried, but Caden is really social around other kids. He befriends anybody and everybody. Once we got into school, he was shy and didn't want to see or talk to his teachers. Oh no....I was more nervous. He went potty there, which he got scared because I shut the door for privacy, but he freaked out that he couldn't see me. At home, he is used to doors wide open and no privacy at all. He was scared I was leaving. I was more nervous than before. He went right to the playroom and I sneaked away. I didn't hear any crying or screaming or a little boy chasing after me so it was ok. Lola was the one that had the fit. She wanted to stay and play at school. On our way home, she didn't make it. Lola was fast asleep.
When it was time to pick him up, I was scared that something crazy happened or he had an accident. He absolutely loved it. He got a school bag filled with Scholastic book order form (which I love), he told me all about his day. They played, read books, puzzles, made play dough, sang songs, and ate yellow, circle cookies aka Nilla Wafers. He played with friends and loves his teachers. He can't wait to go next time. I am so excited that he is going. Lola slept the entire time and woke up right before we had to pick him up. He couldn't wait to tell Daddy about his day at school so we had to call him at work. My Caden boy is growing up.
Written by Bright Beginnings at 3:33 PM 1 comments